By the way, the description of how the wedding planner decorated the scene comes straight from my experience in helping to decorate the shopping mall where I used to be a marketing director. The picture is courtesy of that experience as well. Enjoy this excerpt.

Dad and Mom brought the kids out while Pippa helped Malin add the final touches on the Mathers’ family trees. Her energetic children squealed delightedly, scampering around, flitting from one spot to the next like butterflies moving between flowers in high summer.
Pippa was the last to leave the barn. Clay had looked at her like she’d lost her mind, but agreed to leave her alone for a minute. Turning off the overhead lights, she basked in the twinkling lights and wonderland feel of the space. She hid her wedding gift to Clay deep in the branches of his tree, tucking it behind the small ornament depicting the kind of Harley he’d been riding the day they’d meet. A day etched in her memory for life.
Her gift to Clay was a faceted red heart buried in a snow globe. Attached to the wooden base was a brass plate, engraved with their names and wedding date. When Pip had asked about the collection of globes lining the shelf in the spare room at the farmhouse, Seeley had provided the contact information for the company where Pip could special order a personalized globe. Clay had bought a globe from every country he’d traveled to in the military, and several since he’d mustered out of the army. There was even a globe that featured the cover of his first published novel. Seeley had ordered that one for him. It had been made to her exact specifications. Pippa was excited to carry on the tradition.
Taking a last glance around the magical space where she and Clay would begin their life together, anticipation built in her chest, a sizzly, satisfying tingle. The days leading up to now had passed at the speed of light. She remembered the feeling from past holidays, where time flew but crept at a snail’s pace at the same time. She loved Clay and was eager to be his wife. Time couldn’t pass swiftly enough.

With their hearts in harmony, tying the knot should be a piece of wedding cake for Pippa Sanders and Clay Mathers.
But Fate’s a nasty mistress. One week before their special day, Pippa narrowly escapes when fire erupts in the ballroom they’d reserved for the ceremony. They’ll have to use every resource at their fingertips to implement Plan B. In this case, B stands for the barn at the Sleepy T Christmas Tree Farm.
Hobbled by a sprained ankle, Pippa is unable to help with the preparations. In spite of the grime accumulated over twenty years, Clay is determined. He promises Pip he’ll transform the barn into an idyllic location for a winter wedding. Plus, he’ll make time to throw in a special surprise.
What Clay doesn’t factor into his plan is the snowstorm bearing down on them. With predictions of up to two feet of snow, will Mother Nature prove too much of an obstacle to overcome?
Get your copy of A Winter Wedding at Amazon