It's Time to Party! hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers (#MFRWorg) JOIN ME & over a dozen other authors as we share excerpts from our contemporary romances. Get ideas for some new books to enjoy this spring. With all heat levels represented, there's something for everyone. Join in on the hourly contests and win prizes. This is a party you do not want to miss and it's going on all day on May 1st. Confirmed Participating Authors INCLUDE: Victoria Barbour - Vicki Batman - Paloma Beck - Gemma Brocato - Candy Caine - Lisa Carlisle - Carly Carson - Margie Church - Karen Cino - Wendy Lynn Clark - Margo Bond Collins - Kandie Delley - Emerald - Candace Gold - Lily Harlem - Susan Jaymes - Mona Karel - Patricia Kiyono - Adriana Kraft - Jan Meredith - Siobhan Muir - Martha O'Sullivan - Skylin O'Thomas - Victoria Pinder - Irene Preston - Jana Richards - Christi Williams - Sabrina York ![]() Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box. This week's questions from Dani Jace really made me think. 1. What is the most unusual thing you’ve ever done in the name of research for a book? I spent several hours chatting with a member of the Patriot Guard discussing military funeral and how the men and women of the guard stand as sentries to minimize disruption by protesters. He was very eloquent when describing his reactions and feelings. His job was to keep the rabble from infringing on the solemnity of a final farewell to an individual who had given all for his country. I applaud the Patriot Guard and borrowed their experiences for Hearts In Harmony. 2. Name a nonfiction book you’ve read for research that you wouldn’t have read otherwise. Not including writing craft books. For Exposed To Passion (August 2014), I needed information about photography. A friend met me for lunch and provided a lot of great personal insight about his passion for the hobby. He also generously provided me with a book about HDR photography with a massive amount of valuable information in it. 3. If you could travel anywhere to do research for a book, including back in time, where would you go? To Wine Country, either in Oregon, or possibly Europe. I'm planning a series set in and around the wine industry. I'd love to be able to go shadow the workers at a vineyard and winery. Anyone want to go with me? That's it for me now. Thanks for stopping by. Be sure you hop over to Leslie Hatchel's page to continue reading. ![]() Welcome to Sneak Peek Sunday, a blog event that happens every Sunday, giving authors a chance to highlight their work. Today I'd like to introduce you to Pippa's children from my soon to be released novel, Hearts In Harmony. A little set-up—Pippa has woken up grumpy because she tossed and turned all night thinking about Clay. And Mason, her son has a bit of a melt-down because she forgot to get his pine tree seedling. And here's my snippet: His whiny tone pushed Pippa right over the edge. “Stop it, Mason.” She cringed at her strident tone and took a deep breath to modulate the harshness in her voice. “Mia is being kind by offering to share. That isn’t the way you say thank you to your sister for her generosity.” “But Mom…” “I’m not kidding, Mason. I don’t want to hear any more about that darn tree this morning. Do you understand?” His crestfallen look tore at her. She knew she’d overcompensated for the lack of a father by indulging her children on simple requests. And there was an easy fix to this problem. At least she felt that way until her normally sweet son stomped his little foot. “Mason Sanders! That is unacceptable behavior. Get your stuff and get in the car. Now.” “It’s not fair!” Her little man scowled as he snatched up his book bag and pulled the science project roughly from the table. “Don’t break it, Mason!” Mia hunched her shoulders and followed him out the door. Through the open kitchen window the sound of the Jeep door slamming was almost as harsh as Pippa’s voice had been. Pip took a deep breath, grabbing her purse and briefcase off the back of the kitchen chair. She was frustrated enough over the entire situation, her lack of sleep and her reaction to the encounter with Clay last night, that she gave in to the urge to slam the door shut behind her as she left the house. ![]() Okay - that was more than six paragraphs. Sorry about that. But I wanted you to get a sense that their morning was off to a rocky start. They do make up before Mason walks into school for the day. I loved writing Pippa's children and I admit I let them steal the show. Don't forget to stop by the other participating authors in Sneak Peek Sunday. Click here for the list. Pre-order your copy of Hearts In Harmony now Amazon | iTunes | Kobo | Barnes And Noble ![]() Welcome to the Spring Fling Blog Hop! Over fifty authors and bloggers have joined together to bring you some amazing posts, great giveaways and lots of fun! Don't forget to enter the rafflecopter to win a Kindle tablet, gift cards, paperbacks and swag and be sure to check out the other blogs taking part. ![]() Something wonderful happened the other morning. I was up early and had just walked out to get the newspaper. I knew something was specie about the dayl the second I stepped onto the front porch. It finally seemed like spring. The air was warmer than it's been the last few weeks (we just had snow this past Monday morning - yuck). But that morning, a thin fog blanketed the neighborhood, making the light soft and the air quiet. It reminded me of being in college and walking hand-in-hand with the cutest boy I knew in City Park in Iowa City during a misting rain. The best part this morning was the birdsong. The woodpeckers tapping tree trunks, looking for breakfast. The gold finches chittered and sang to each other. A bright red cardinal paid close attention to his mate. Gobbling from the wild turkeys living at the bottom of my cul-de-sac floated magically on the air. Layering on top of all this sights and sounds was the rich floral aroma from the blossoms waiting to burst into life on my flowering crab tree. Plump, pink buds peeked out from the new, green leaves. I love spring and find nature inspirational in my writing. I could have sat on the front steps for an hour or more, just crafting sentences for my work in progress, dreaming up scenes that I could set on a lovely, soft morning like this one. Each season has hallmarks that make it special for me. In Autumn it's the colors, Winter means fuzzy blankets and crackling fires. Summer brings barbecues, beaches and sunshine. But for me, Spring is about love, life, rebirth and romance. I fell in love with my husband during the spring months. I married him one summer 30 years ago. Both of my children were born in the spring, which makes the season even more special for me. ![]() What's your favorite season? Leave a comment and your email address for a chance to win a digital copy of Cooking Up Love, and an ARC of Hearts In Harmony (releasing May 5, 2014). Welcome to Sneak Peek Sunday, a blog event that happens every Sunday, giving authors a chance to highlight their work. Today I'm giving you look at one of my favorite scenes from my soon to be released novel, Hearts In Harmony. Pippa has shown up at Clay's Christmas tree farm, looking for the backpack her son left there on a school field trip. She found more than she bargained for. There is a link at the end of the post if you wish to pre-order a copy in advance of the May 5 release date. ![]() Shit, he’d blown this. The second anger had sparked in her eyes, he’d quit thinking with his brain. Oh no, an entirely different part of his anatomy moved to the head of the class when she’d started her tirade. And he wasn’t put off by her ire. If anything, she was more appealing to him now than she had been at the cemetery. He couldn’t let her go away mad. She might never come back. He stood still for a moment before following, catching up to her as she jerked the Jeep door open and tossed her son’s book bag across to the passenger seat. He grabbed the doorframe before she could climb in. “Let go. Now.” She hissed between clenched teeth. “And if I don’t?” “I guarantee if I miss your knee this time it will be because I’m aiming higher.” God, she was stunning. His knee twitched as she reminded him that she had kicked him. He was so turned on by her kick-ass-chick attitude that his knee wasn’t the only part of his anatomy twitching, in spite of her threat. He lifted his hand from the door and dropped his eyes toward her mouth, frozen in place by the sight of her lush, pink lips. The desire to kiss the snarl away overpowered his common sense. He dipped his head and raised his eyes, seeking permission. And didn’t find it. That's it for me today. I hope you enjoyed the scene. Click here to drop by and visit other talented participants in Sneak Peek Sunday. Pre-order your copy of Hearts In Harmony now Amazon | iTunes | Kobo | Barnes And Noble ![]() Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box. I was quite excited when I saw this week's questions. Who is your favorite character you've written and why? Hands down, it is Clay Mathers, my hero from my upcoming release, Hearts in Harmony (releasing May 5). I knew him as an alpha male, tough, rugged...a hardened male almost beyond redemption. Clay had different ideas, though. He kept speaking to me, insisting he had a soft gooey center and that's what would ensure he ended up with the woman of his dreams. He proved his worth repeatedly by demonstrating his love for his mother, his ability to love Pippa's children and his willingness to forsake his plans to leave Granite Point in order stay and build a family. Here's one of my favorite of his scenes: He glanced up, catching Pippa’s eyes. The soft expression on her face drove home a truth he’d avoided admitting to himself since the sad, dreary day he’d met her. When she’d sung at a funeral while he’d stood guard, prohibiting protesters from making a mockery of a solemn farewell to a slain soldier. Her voice had moved him, along with the other mourners, to tears. He wanted this woman. And he wanted her children too. His breath stalled in his chest as the thought crashed through him like a runaway tire careening downhill. Clay Mathers, who had never needed anyone—the self-sufficient military strategist and world-renowned writer—needed this small family almost more than he needed to breathe. Do you prefer to write your Hero or Heroine? Truthfully, I find the bad guys infinitely more fun to write. There something super decadent about instilling really awful intentions and making up someone my readers will eagerly cheer against. And then, make him or her get there comeuppance. What are the three things you can't write without? Some sort of tasty beverage would be first. Either coffee or tea, or a glass of water infused with fruit flavor or cucumber (I bought an insulated glass with an infuser built in). Second would be music. I find new age and instrumental to be most beneficial. I need something that won't distract me with lyrics (unless they're in a foreign language I have no hope of understanding). And third are Tarot cards. Whenever I've reached a point where I'm not sure what's next, I pull a couple of cards from a deck and grab my handy description book. It surprises me each time I find an answer in the cards. That's it for me now. Thanks for stopping by. Be sure you hop over to Elizabeth Janette's page to continue reading. ![]() Author: Julia Tagan Publisher: Kensington Books - Lyrical Press Length: 188 pages Release Date: May 5, 2014 Genre: Historical Romance Blurb United to exact revenge on a common enemy, they discover passion is the ultimate reward.On the strength of her wit and intelligence, Catherine Delcour climbed from Connecticut poverty to opulent Paris society. But once in New York, her lowly past is a scandal her wine merchant husband won’t tolerate. After five years of marriage, Morris announces their union isn’t valid and reveals his plan to send her to the West Indies. So long as she behaves, he’ll continue to provide for her until the ship leaves. Fearing she’ll end up destitute, Catherine schemes to escape--and secure her future with his treasured bottle of wine. Under the guise of supervising Delcour’s wayward wife, Benjamin Thomas seeks to avenge his sister’s death by ruining him. But Catherine isn’t the spoiled society wife Benjamin expects. His growing affection for Catherine threatens more than his carefully constructed plans. His vow to never touch another man’s wife has never been harder to keep than when he’s around the beguiling beauty. When Catherine and Benjamin join forces, their sensual natures collide even as their individual desires for passion, vengeance, and escape threaten to tear them apart. CONTENT WARNING: A spirited heroine, her reluctant watchdog and steamy scenes where breeches and ball gowns are quickly discarded. My Review A Question of Class opens with a bang when Catherine Delcour's husband, Morris, announces he'd duped her into thinking she'd married him on board a ship bound for France. While they lived there, Catherine had served her purpose well. She was charming and a highly anticipated guest at the various social events they attended, making her the ideal partner for helping Morris further his wine distribution business. Upon their return to New York, they find Society is more stringent about whom they admit to the inner circles. Catherine comes from a working class background and therefore, part of the great unwashed in the eyes of the upper crust. Suddenly, she's more of a liability than an asset. Because of this, Morris has made arrangements to send Catherine away. But it will be a short time before he can accomplish this, so he hires his brother-in-law, Benjamin Thomas, to keep an eye on Catherine. Catherine is attracted instantly to Benjamin the night he discovers and foils her escape attempt. But she won't let her attraction stand in the way of moving on with her life. She plots to steal a very expensive bottle of wine from Morris (in exchange for his years of duping her), and use the proceeds to begin a new life. Benjamin has a few plans of his own regarding Morris. Seems like everyone wants a piece of that scoundrel. I enjoyed this book from page one. Reading along as Julia Tagan moved Catherine from the roll of victim to a place of strength made Catherine a heroine worth cheering for. And when she discovered love with Benjamin along the way added a delightful twist. Benjamin also grows within the story, and is extremely likable (okay, he's loveable). This book is exactly why I read romance. Julia has captured the world of societal pecking order perfectly, and introduces us to a strong secondary cast I hope we'll get to see more of in the future. Catherine's sister, Sophie, and the only woman who befriended Catherine in New York, Theodosia, add interest and intrigue as Catherine struggles to overcome class discrimination and a conniving husband to find her true love. This is Julia's debut novel, but you wouldn't know it. The writing is solid, lyrical and entertaining. She pulled me to the edge of my seat while waiting for Catherine and Benjamin to find their happily-ever-after. Just when you think things might be going well for Catherine, another delightful twist is added and tension escalates. A real page turner. ![]() I give this book 5 well-deserved sunflowers *I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. ![]() Bio Julia Tagan lives with her husband and goldendoodle in New York City. A journalist by training, she enjoys weaving actual events and notorious individuals into her historical romances. Her favorite activities include walking her dog in Central Park, scouring farmers’ markets for the perfect tomato, and traveling to foreign cities in search of inspiration. Connect with Julia: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads Welcome to Sneak Peek Sunday, a blog event that happens every Sunday, giving authors a chance to highlight their work. Today I'm giving you look at the opening paragraphs of my soon to be released novel, Hearts In Harmony. There is a link at the end of the post if you wish to pre-order a copy in advance of the May 5 release date. As days went, this one was made to order. Misty. Gloomy. A perfect day…for a funeral. Dark gray skies over Granite Pointe, Massachusetts contrasted with the unrelieved black of the mourners surrounding an open grave. Mother Nature shared her grief for the loss of one of her warrior sons with the world, her complaints audible as wind gusted through the leaves overhead, making them tremble and dance. The only people not grieving were the fools who’d decided to turn a soldier’s solemn goodbye into a protest zone. Pippa Sanders stood behind the minister, the corners of her mouth pulled south, struggling to control her anger at the group of zealots standing a mere one hundred yards away. Their chants and songs might be muffled, but she heard. And sweet baby Jesus, children the same age as her own twins held signs proclaiming God hated some of His children. Pippa shook her head slightly and blinked away tears. These people were making a statement. Even if she disagreed with it, this funeral was for Corporal Colin Wright, a man who had given his life defending their right to make it. The worst possible expression of irony. A line of people dressed in leather coats, jeans and bandanas stood tall and silent, at parade rest, a human barricade between the protesters and the mourners. The faces of the men and women guarding a position beyond the gravesite were stoic. If they were angry with the protesters behind them, it wasn’t evident. In a way, they reminded Pippa of the Queen’s Guard around Buckingham Palace. Eyes level…no emotion. Cold. Their flinty-eyed forward stares suggested they battled to maintain a shred of composure against the hate spewing behind them. Their military training held true. They didn’t react. Each person steadily obeyed orders to not respond. They did their jobs. Pippa’s job—to lead the gathered mourners in a song at the end of the ceremony—would begin shortly. She loved to sing, almost as much as she hated military funerals. Forcing her gaze away from the protesters, she focused on the minister’s comforting words, taking several deep, calming breaths in preparation for her portion of it. God give me strength. Please help me get through this. She repeated the words in her mind to bolster her courage. Click here to drop by and visit other talented participants in Sneak Peek Sunday. ![]() I'm delighted to welcome Mae Clair for a visit today. She is a Kensington Books/Lyrical Press sister who's ventured bravely into the world of self-publishing with her latest novella. Mae writes amazing and unforgettable stories about myths, mystery and romance. Below, she shared a link to her blog, and you'll be in for a real treat if you subscribe. I love her Monday Myth segment. And now, take it away, Mae! ![]() Thanks for inviting me to visit your blog, Gemma! It’s a delight to be here and share the news about my first indie-publication, SOLSTICE ISLAND, a romantic adventure novella. I’ve had two previous titles traditionally published through Kensington Book’s Lyrical Press imprint, but this is the first time I’ve ventured into the publishing world on my own. I wasn’t sure how I’d fare, but it feels pretty awesome to have learned formatting and conquered those hurdles. Exciting as that is, I’m even more excited about the concept behind SOLSTICE ISLAND. It allowed me to combine two elements I love: myth and romance. I’ve had a love affair with mythical creatures ever since I was a kid. As an adult, that passion spread to include “cryptids” . . . usually considered “monsters” in our modern world. Cryptids are creatures that may exist but have not been proven to exist. There is even a pseudo-branch of science devoted to their study, known as cryptozoology. Two famous examples of cryptids are the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot. Can you imagine going on a cryptid hunt with a sexy charter boat captain? In SOLSTICE ISLAND, my heroine is an amateur cryptozoologist who is searching for a mythical beast known as the Sea Goliath. Her quest takes her to Solstice Island and charter boat captain, Daniel Decatur. At this point I’ll let the blurb speak for itself: SOLSTICE ISLAND Blurb Can an ancient leviathan work magic between a practical man and an idealistic woman? Rylie Carswell is an amateur cryptozoologist in search of a mythical creature, the Sea Goliath. In order to reach Solstice Island, a location the ancient leviathan is rumored to haunt, she’s forced to hire charter boat captain, Daniel Decatur. Initially, Daniel wants nothing to do with the trip or the fool woman waving double payment in his face. Convinced she’s yet another loony treasure hunter looking for gold on the remote island, he reluctantly agrees. An embittered neighbor wants to have his charter license yanked, so the extra cash will help him stay afloat. It doesn’t take long for Daniel to realize Rylie is after the same beast his parents were tracking when they mysteriously vanished ten years earlier. He’s avoided all links to cryptozoology ever since, but the smart and sexy cryptid hunter has him second-guessing his oath and wondering what he’s signed on for. Warning: A family legacy, glowing plankton and rough waters. SOLSTICE ISLAND is available for purchase exclusively through Amazon. You can pick up your copy for only .99 cents by clicking here If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a FREE Kindle Reading App for your PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, Android or tablet here Many thanks for having me today, Gemma! ![]() Author Bio Mae Clair has been chasing myth, monsters and folklore through research and reading since she was a kid. As an adult, she stumbled onto the field of cryptozoology and realized there were others like her who loved speculating about weird and wonderful creatures . Her blog, From the Pen of Mae Clair, features a weekly post each Monday where she examines a different myth or urban legend. In 2012, she journeyed to West Virginia to learn more about the legendary Mothman, a creature who will factor into an upcoming novel. As a writer, she pens tales of romantic mystery flavored with a twist of myth or folklore. Married to her high school sweetheart, Mae lives in Pennsylvania. Her passions include cats, history and exploring old graveyards. Look for Mae on her website at You can find Mae Clair at the following haunts: Website and Blog Twitter (@MaeClair1) Google+ Facebook Author Page Amazon Author Page Goodreads ![]() Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box. This week's questions: Scenario: A Hollywood producer is interested in your book. Can you come up with an enticing logline (plot summary of 25 words or less)? Gosh, that would be living the dream, wouldn’t it? I was over the moon when I got the email from Lyrical Press saying they’d like to offer me a contract for Cooking Up Love, my debut novel. I won’t lie and say it never crossed my mind that the movie rights might be sold to a big time producer. Dreams of being on set, having a say in how the book is staged. Yeah, well my mom always told me to dream big. So what would I say to be sure the dream comes true if a movie executive comes knocking at my door? How does this work: Mix a chef and her contractor, season with a dash of a great family, stir in a mystery, and cook up a romance. 2. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Jemima George was patterned after Keri Russell. Remember when she had that great hair in Felicity? She is still gorgeous all grown up, right? For Jack Kerrigan hands down, if Karl Urban was cast to play him I doubt the smile would ever leave my face. 3. Does the storyline of your novel compare with any films out there? I’d like to think my story was original and nothing could compare to it. But I’m certain there are no new stories, just variations on a theme. But to my way of thinking, anything that has what makes films and books so attractive to the viewers - mystery, fun and a happily ever after - is a winner. That’s it for me right now. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little peek in to the world of my stories. I can’t wait to see what Leslie Hatchel has to say about her Hollywood hopes and dreams. Please leave a comment and let me know if you think my pitch would work. Thanks for stopping by! |
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