My work in progress is named The Sweetest Thing. It's a story about Seraphina Taylor a new resident of Durango, Colorado. She's opening an artisan chocolate shop. One of her new Main Street neighbors, Logan Hamilton owns the T-shirt shop across the touristy main drag. This snippet is from their first meeting.
Wiping her hands on the towel draped over her shoulder, she walked to the retail area of the shop. She paused when she caught sight of her visitor inspecting the drawings for the menu board she’d left on top of the antique display case. He wore faded blue jeans that loosely concealed a fairly spectacular butt, at least from where she stood. The denim looked so soft she longed to run her fingers across it to see if it was. Across his jeans, not his butt. Although, she wouldn’t mind that either. A ponytail skimmed his very broad shoulders. Sera had always been a sucker for a long-haired man.
“May I help you?” Her cool, professional tone couldn’t be misinterpreted. What she was truly asking was what the hell he was doing in her store?
As the guy turned Sera’s heart stuttered. His chestnut hair, slightly gray at the temples, was swept back, exposing a deep widow’s peak over dark brows and dancing hazel eyes. An aquiline nose perfectly complemented the straight white teeth exposed by his grin. Which was surrounded by a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee. A black T-shirt stretched over his chest, revealing well-defined pecs. Slanted red and white lettering read They said it couldn’t be done, so I didn’t do it.
“Hi! I’m Logan Hamilton.” He stepped forward, extending his large hand, palm open and friendly.
A dragon tattoo snaked from the underside of his wrist, curling over the top. Not a fierce, mythical creature...more like HR Puffenstuff. He had a sense of whimsy to match his good looks. When his hand enfolded hers sharp heat thawed her cool demeanor. She felt the corners of her lips shift into a smile, the shift in her heart echoing the action.
“Seraphina Taylor.” The raspy quality of her voice startled her. But it might have had more to do with the fact that he didn’t automatically release her hand. God knew she didn’t want to let go of his. She gave herself a mental shake. “I’m sorry, I’m not open for business yet.”