This week, I'm delighted to bring you another selection from my upcoming release, Exposed To Passion. This is book #3 in the Five Senses Series, featuring fan favorite, Sam Kerrigan. Last time I shared how Sam and Rikki met. This week is a continuation of that scene. Enjoy.

to minimize the view, partly because she was cold, which only made matters worse. Behind her, one of the boys let out a low wolf whistle, and several other kids snickered.
The sound of laughter broke her rescuer’s focus on her body, and he frowned at the kids on the bank. He snapped his fingers. “Hey. Eyes on the skies, knuckleheads. The light is fading and I bet
not a single one of you has taken the pictures for this assignment. Show’s over. Get busy,” the man ordered.
“I took a great shot just now, Mr. K,” a boy with a nasal voice said. Distinct female twittering followed his remark.
“I’ll bet you did, Brett. Your job today was to get shots of the horizon.” Mr. K turned his attention
back to Rikki, apology painting his handsome face. “Jesus, I’m really sorry. I’ll be sure he deletes any images he shouldn’t have taken. The last thing you need is for racy pictures of you to hit some high school boy’s social media pages. Teenage boys can be hound-dogs, you know.”
“What’s your excuse, Mr. Handsy?”
Looking down, he seemed to realize he still rubbed his palms together. Shoving his hands in the
pockets of khaki slacks, his face scrunched up. He lost the battle to keep his eyes on her face. Long, dark eyelashes swept down and back up, an infinitesimal movement she would have missed if she’d blinked. She’d grown accustomed to callous leers when men finally looked her in the eyes again.This guy was no different.