She jammed her eyes shut, swallowed hard, and blew out a prolonged breath. Tonight could be rough. Or impossible. Her heart thumped in expectation of finding the right person to accompany her in the train wreck of her life.
She had no choice, but to make it work.
Her life depended upon it.
Before she could overthink it, she grabbed the pink paisley duffle bag, which held her outfit for the job, off the Queen Victoria chair that graced the corner of the hallway. The entire getup could fit in her jeans pocket but she had to go fancy. She zipped up the black patent leather stiletto heeled boots, hesitating for a moment, contemplating if she was getting too old to wear them. After a last minute once-over in the full length mirror on the adjacent wall, she reconsidered. Nah, not with her knockout bod. Women half her age didn’t look so good. Not even any laugh lines around her eyes to give it away. She winked in the mirror and her emerald contact lenses twinkled back.
She eased the door closed to her ritzy Manhattan apartment at one a.m. with her right hand on the knob and her left palm on the door, guiding it to the latch so that her ears alone heard the soft clicks of the bolt.
Can’t wake those old geezers next door. Otherwise, I’ll just have to do what I do best.
Chills of anticipation snaked through her as she traversed the darkened hallway to the elevator all the while listening for footsteps in her neighbor’s apartment. The elevator door opened. She slipped in.
All was good.
They got to live another night.

His life is exactly the way he wants it to be—until he meets her…
Both psychic and clairvoyant, Dr. John Trenton is a forensic psychiatrist who has a wife he worships and a position as a department head at a hospital for the criminally insane in Manhattan. His patients—young adult men, who are some of the most psychotic and psychopathic criminals in NYC—enable him to live his life on the edge, just the way he likes it. Then he meets a woman who changes everything.
She is two days from accomplishing the revenge she lives for—until she meets him…
Stripper by night, school psychologist by day, Gemini obsessed Barbara Montgomery, makes a critical mistake and is committed for seventy-two hours of observation, where she risks it all in an unnerving escape. Furious with Dr. Trenton for interfering in her life, she is now determined to kill his wife and unborn child, along with everyone else who has ever caused her pain—real or imagined.
As the killing spree continues, John is forced to use all his ESP, as well as his knowledge and expertise, to interpret this psychopath’s Gemini obsession and unravel her dark and murderous past. But can he track her down and bring her to justice—before she destroys his world completely?
Release day is 6.7.15
Buy the Book Here

I am a Cosmopolitan NYC woman who relocated to rural Central Florida with my husband, six years ago to a city that has a five-mile radius. Imagine the culture shock! If you do a count, I can imagine that there are more cows and horses here than people. It’s very calming to frazzled nerves, parking is a breeze with very little traffic and living in the woods is so cleansing to the soul. The tree faeries speak to me regularly.
I’m not going to chronicle my entire life. My adult years are more than enough for the sake of the novel and your patience.
I will tell you here, confidently, why I am the expert to write the content in this novel. How many times did you hear “write what you know?” I am doing just that in Gemini. Not only did it cut down on research, and believe me I did plenty, and I will tell you about that as well, but I was also able to write and include themes, settings, scenes, characters and dialogue that I’d be able to make come alive because I’ve been there, done that.
From my background as a NYS Licensed School Psychologist to teaching in NYC for thirty-three years, to my Ph.D. in Parapsychic Sciences you will find aspects of my career experiences throughout Gemini.
I hold many certifications in alternative therapies. I’m a Certified Crystal Therapist, A Certified Tarot Master Instructor, A Certified Reiki 11 Practitioner, A Certified Advanced Metaphysician, A Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner certified through The American Assoc. of Drugless Practitioners
I am also a very proud member of Sunshine State Romance Authors (SSRA), Romance Writers of America (RWA.), Kiss of Death Chapter of RWA and International Thriller Writers..