This week's writing prompt came from Sarah Hegger who writes amazing historical novels. It's kind of a free-for-all today. We got to pick whatever topic related to Christmas we wanted. So to honor Sarah's genre of choice, I'm going to share a bit of my history.

I'm not sure any of us actually even tried to be quiet on the actual day. I'm sure my parents were dead to the world when we'd sneak down around 6 am. We'd plug in the tree lights and sit quietly, but impatiently waiting for them and marveling at the mounds of presents under the tree, until Mom and Dad finally came downstairs to join us around 7.
It's been a long time since I've thought about that. I wonder if my kids ever practiced for Christmas morning that way. To be quite honest, I've always been the first one up on Dec 25, even when my kids were little. I guess years of practice made perfect. Well, that and the need to put the turkey in the roaster.
Thanks for stopping by. Now hop on over to Carolyn Spear's blog and see what she has for you. May your holiday be blessed with love, laughter and lots of happily ever afters.