Deb's books Sex, Lies and Beauty Aids and Sex, Lies and Happily Ever Afters (coming August 4) are charming, funny romantic comedies.
Today Deb is giving us a peek into her story in a new boxed set - Crash Into Love. Enjoy!
The co-pilot wobbled, his knees buckled. Thank goodness the pilot caught him before he hit the ground.
Hannah moved beside him at once. She looked up at the captain. “What’s his name?”
“Oliver. Oliver Lawson.”
Hannah lightly slapped Oliver’s cheeks. “Oliver. Wake up.”
A crack of lightning gave her the first hint at the problem. Blood covered his face. She cleaned him up as best she could. The wound was hidden just above the hairline.
He moaned and reached for his head.
She grabbed his hand before he could contaminate the area she’d cleaned. “Hold his hands down.” She sprayed the affected area with a local aesthetic numbing spray then gave him two shots to numb the area. By the time he came to the wound was stitched and his head was bandaged.
“Is he going to be okay?” the captain asked.
“Yes, he must have he hit his head during the landing. Not bad, but head wounds tend to bleed profusely.”
“Is that all?”
“It’s just an educated guess, but I suspect he has a minor concussion. I’ll have the doctor look at him when he’s done with the woman in labor.
The co-pilot blinked, opened his eyes and tried to sit up. He rolled to his side and vomited then flopped back to the ground. He lifted a hand to his head and winced. “Ouch.”
“Easy does it.” Hannah lowered his hand to his side. “You have a nasty bump there.”
“What happened?” Oliver’s head lolled side to side.
The pilot spoke up. “Glad to have you back. You scared me there for a bit.”
“Derek? What’s going on?” Oliver turned his head. Looked up, blinking multiple times. His eyes closed and he went still.
Hannah grabbed her handy dandy flashlight to check his pupils. He had beautiful steel blue eyes. “Concussion seems likely. We’ll need to keep him awake for the next twenty-four hours. Help me sit him up.”
Hannah and Derek soon had Oliver leaning against a palm tree. The winds gusted. There was a sound overhead then the rustle of the fronds as a coconut dropped right between Oliver’s thighs.
“Crikey! Almost lost my dingaling and boys to a coconut,” Oliver said.
Hannah couldn’t have stopped the chuckle that escaped if she tried. His Australian accent was more decadent than a box of chocolate covered pecan pralines straight from New Orleans.

A Splash of Romance by Deb Julienne
Hannah Parks is a trauma nurse on her way to a symposium at the Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. She just started her bucket list and a plane crash definitely isn't on it. Oliver Lawson's divorce is almost final and he's looking to start over. A tropical island, a gorgeous woman, and romance is one thing, getting there as a result of a crash landing...who knew?
Other books by Deb Julienne:
Twisted Sisters Club Series
Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aids (Book 1): http://goo.gl/LzqSm0
Sex, Secrets, & Happily Ever Afters (Book 2) on pre-order now: http://goo.gl/opHVOn
About Deb:
While some say truth is stranger than fiction, Deb Julienne’s experience runs more along the lines of a slap-stick comedy. When life tosses you lemons the only thing to do is to turn it into Limoncello.
After writing for almost 20 years, she’s about to be an overnight success. Her life, like her comedies, has been one big fat romantic comedy…or errors. It’s not a matter of “if” it can go wrong, but how bad when it does happen, and make no mistake…it will. Survival with a sense of humor is the goal.
As a long time member of both Romance Writers of America (RWA) and her local RWA Chapter, the Sacramento Valley Roses, she fills the hours she’s not writing romantic comedy and romantic suspense with her day job at a Silicon Valley Corporation, playing in the kitchen concocting her award-winning jams, jellies, preserves, and sauces (with alcohol of course).
Born and raised in San Jose, California, she now resides in the Tahoe National Forest Basin, her own little bit of heaven on Earth, with her husband of 34 years, their three sons and one daughter, and two very precocious grand kids, with a third on the way.
Find Deb:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deb.julienne
Twitter: @debjulienne
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/debjulienne/
Website: http://www.debjulienne.com/