Highland Heather Romancing a Scot Series, Book 3
“Duke? What’s a ruddy English duke doing sneaking into a Scottish keep’s chamber?” Tasara winced. She hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
“Why, rescuing you, of course.”
Did he wink? Cocky fellow wasn’t he? But then, he was a duke. The attitude came with the title, no doubt present from birth. Probably had his noble bum and snotty nose wiped with the finest linen or silk from the get go. Amazing he’d exert himself enough to muster a sweat.
Muted voices and calls echoed from somewhere in the keep. She tilted her head. Must be on the other levels. The horrific shrieks and roars of minutes ago had ceased, although an occasional shrill cry rang through the stone corridors and raised the hair on her nape.
“Ye be here to rescue us?” Holding Lala’s pudgy hand, György kneeled on the bed, his ebony eyes wary, and no doubt sprinkled with a dab of excitement too.
In the muted light, Tasara couldn’t be certain.
“I am, indeed, young sir.” His Grace smiled, his teeth bright in the half-light. “Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?”
György shook loose his sister’s grip.
She promptly jammed her thumb in her mouth and toyed with the curls tumbled atop her left shoulder. She stared at the duke, her gaze wide and distrusting.
After scooting off the bed, György gave a handsome bow. “György Faas, Yer Highness, and these be me sisters, Tasara and Lala.”
“It’s your grace, György, not your highness.” Tasara’s gaze swung between the duke and her brother. Harcourt had probably been treated like royalty his entire life.
“Grace? Are ye sure, Tasara?” György made a silly face and snickered. “That be a lass’s name.”
The duke chuckled again, the rich timbre resonating in his chest. “So it is. Most embarrassing I’ll admit, but I’m afraid someone started the ridiculous tradition far too long ago for me to change things now.”

Conundrums of the Misses Culpepper, Book I
Brooke Culpepper resigned herself to spinsterhood when she turned down the only marriage proposal she’d likely ever receive to care for her family. After her father dies, a distant cousin inherits the estate and becomes their guardian but permits Brooke to act in his stead.
Heath, Earl of Ravensdale is none-too-pleased to discover five young women call the dairy farm he won and intends to sell, their home. Desperate, pauper poor, and with nowhere to go, Brooke proposes a wager. His stakes? The farm. Hers? Her virtue. The land holds no interest for Heath, but Brooke does and he accepts her challenge.
Brooke loses and her devastation is compounded when the cousin arrives, intending to haul the Culpepper misses off to London. Heath astounds himself and proposes in order to apply for guardianship of the other girls.
Does Brooke dare marry the handsome stranger who’d been bent on compromising her? Will Heath regret his impulsive gesture, or will unexpected love flourish?

Bestselling, award-winning author, Collette Cameron, has a BS in Liberal Studies and a Master's in Teaching. Author of the Castle Brides Series. Highland Heather Romancing a Scot Series, and Conundrums of the Misses Culpepper Series, Collette writes Regency and Scottish historicals and makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and five mini-dachshunds. Mother to three and a self-proclaimed Cadbury Chocolate chocoholic, Collette loves a good joke, inspirational quotes, flowers, trivia, and all things shabby chic and cobalt blue. You'll always find dogs, birds, quirky—sometimes naughty—humor, and a dash of inspiration in her novels.
Her motto for life? You can’t have too much chocolate, too many hugs, or too many flowers. She’s thinking about adding shoes to that list.
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