- I was born in the same city as where our 44th Vice President, James Danforth “Dan” Quayle, lived and practiced law before he was elected to the U.S. Congress: Huntington, Indiana.
(Yep, you wanted little known facts, and I aim to please…)
- My junior year of high school (in Fort Wayne) I played the top/small bass drum in marching band after not being selected as a drum major. (My senior year marching season, however, was spent flapping my arms like mad on a podium. Both experiences I wouldn’t trade for the world.)
- My youngest son was due on Christmas Day. Thankfully (for both of us) he arrived early.
- I’m a terrible basketball player—I can’t dribble without looking at the ball, and my 2” vertical jump doesn’t help get short little me get much closer to the hoop.
- When I was a kid, my younger brother and I would write silly jingles/advertisements and tape record ourselves doing the voices. (Funny, our kids do that today with their tablet…must be genetic.)
So there you go. Five obscure (and highly useless) facts about me. But if you ever bump into me on the street and throw out one of the above, I’d probably buy you coffee and call you friend. ;-) Take care, everyone, and thanks again for having me on today, Gemma!
Kyra, these are all so great. 2" vertical is... isn't very impressive, but I like the way you tell the story. So nice to have you over today, and thanks for being so gracious about being on the hot seat. Kyra has provided an excerpt of her new release, Flirting With Fire. Give it a read, then please be sure to leave a comment for her. Feel free to tell her a little known fact about yourself.
“I had nothing to do with this.”
Torrunn watched me pace back and forth across the interrogation room, his look grim. “Nobody’s saying you did.”
“Then why did I get hauled down here? I should be back at the spa—I’ve got a regular at three o’clock who’s going to be pissed.”
“Relax, Liz,” he said from his seat at the room’s lone table. “They’re just going to ask you a few simple questions. See if you saw anything. And you heard Xavier—he’s covering your appointment.”
“He shouldn’t have to. Me, having to come down here? It’s going to kill any trust I’ve built up at the spa, and it’s not fair. I didn’t set the stupid dumpster on fire. Heck, I’m scared of fires. I hide inside every Fourth of July for fear of getting hit by falling bottle rockets.” I stopped pacing and ran a hand through my hair. “You believe me,” I asked, spinning to face him. “Don’t you?”
He smoothed an amused grin from his face and nodded. “Yes, I do. Though, you were a little flustered when you got into the massage room.”
I snorted. “Not because of anything going on outside.”
“Oh?” Torrunn leaned forward in his seat, eyes bright with interest. “What could possibly have had you so frazzled?”
Why had I been all worked up as I raced into the building? Was it really because I was running late, or because of who was waiting for me on the table…?

By Kyra Jacobs
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Kyra Jacobs (self-pub)
Length: 284 pages
Book 2 in the Hometown Heroes series (though can be read as a sequel or standalone novel)
Look, touch, but don’t fall in love.
Massage therapist Liz Williams lives by one rule: never date a client. A rule she’s never had trouble following until she lays hands on fireman playboy Torrunn MacKay. Trouble is, Liz’s sexy new client is dating her arch-rival at work…and has a strange habit of appearing just before the fire alarm sounds.
Firefighter Torrunn MacKay has got it made: killer job, downtown condo with a view, and hot blonde girlfriend with no more desire to tie the knot than he has. But the surprise attraction he feels toward his new masseuse is threatening to change all that. And what’s with the string of fires that seem to follow her everywhere?
Can Liz mind her table manners and keep Torrunn at arms’ length? Will Torrunn put his commitment fears aside to keep Liz safe? More than hearts will be in jeopardy when the two start Flirting with Fire.
CONTENT WARNING: Beware of darkened rooms, delicious firefighters, and desperate pyromaniacs.
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://bit.ly/FWFkindle1

Kyra Jacobs is an extroverted introvert who writes of love and mystery in the Midwest. When this Hoosier native is not pounding out scenes for her next book, she's likely outside, elbow-deep in snapdragons or spending quality time with her sports-loving family. Kyra also loves golf, Guitar Hero, and thinking through plot twists while out on a good run. Be sure to stop by her website www.KyraJacobs.wordpress.com for links to connect with her on social media. Kyra lives in northern Indiana with her husband and two children.
Author Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KyraJacobsBooks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KyraJacobsBooks
Website: http://www.KyraJacobs.wordpress.com
Blog: http://www.IndianaWonderer.wordpress.com
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/Kyra_Jacobs